Frequently Asked Questions

Life insurance provides your named beneficiary (person or entity who receives the benefit) with a payment in the event of your death. Our policies are term life and AD&D insurance benefits, which means that if anything happens while the policies are active, you are covered. Put simply, your policy ensures your family or loved ones receive money if something should happen to you.

At Ascendus, we believe in creating a world of financial ascension for all. For us, this means maximizing your FICO credit score by reporting timely monthly repayments so you can access more credit in the future to grow your business, purchase a home, or borrow for higher education. It also means protecting your family from the adverse monetary impact of an unexpected death or accident to the primary breadwinner—YOU! Life insurance offers a safety net that protects the income and wealth of your family. Sadly, we all know the pandemic disproportionately impacts communities of color across the globe. This reality inspired us to partner with Resilient to offer a simple, no-cost life insurance benefit that accrues only to you or your designated beneficiaries for simply doing what you already planned to—repaying your Ascendus loan on time each month. Growing credit and protecting wealth are two concrete ways of "creating financial ascension for all.”

To be eligible for this opportunity borrowers must apply for their loan on or after May 1, 2023 be approved by Ascendus for the loan and sign a loan contract with Ascendus

Create an account on our website (you’re here now!) and pay your balance on time each month to keep your coverage active. You’ll continue to have coverage for the duration of your loan. Every month you pay on time, you will be covered for the following month. For example, if you make your first payment in January, your first month of coverage will begin in February, and so on.

Please contact Ascendus at +1 (866) 245-0783 or

Please contact Resilient at 212-810-2838 or

Please visit our claims page for detail.

All owners of at least 20% of a company with an eligible Ascendus loan are eligible for this program. To register more than one person, please contact Resilient at

When you have completely finished repaying your loan, your insurance coverage will end the month following your final repayment. For example, if you make your last payment in March, you will have insurance coverage for April, with coverage terminating in May. You are eligible for new insurance coverage when you take out a new loan with Ascendus.

No, these policies are entirely separate. Your existing Life, AD&D, Health, or other insurance will not be affected.

In the event that the policy holder passes away and has not named a beneficiary, the payment will be provided to the deceased estate. It is very important to name a beneficiary in order to avoid delays in payment and ensure it goes to the desired beneficiary.

Your policies will continue for one month after you have made your final repayment to Ascendus. After that month, your policy will terminate. If you take another loan out with Ascendus, you will be eligible for coverage under the new loan.

If you miss or are late on a payment you will need to become current on your payments within 120 days or you will no longer be eligible to receive insurance coverage.

What does this look like? If you pay on time in January, you will have insurance coverage for February. If you fail to pay on time for February, you will lose coverage in March. If you repay your missing balance from February and make your payment for March, your coverage will resume in April